Affliated To CBSE BOARD New Delhi Upto Secondary Level
Affiliation No : 3430729    School No : 66961

From Desk Of Principal

From Desk Of Principal

It is a great privilege to have an opportunity to be the principal of this school. I am also excited to look forward and work with our students and parents to make Saint Xavier's English Medium School Madgari-K the best school.
A Complete role personality has to have a physical, emotional, social and spiritual power. the new generation of children belongs to those who are thinkers, knowledgeable, principal, communicate, open minded, risktaker and reflective guided by these virtues will run our academic activities keeping in mind the potential of the child and to nurture it. Saint Xavier's English Medium School offers spectrum of activities leading to multiple experiences and engagement of students. I have an open door policy and argue all the parents to discuss any issue with me. So that, we can move forward together.

I extend my hearty wishes to all the teachers, students and parents to work together as one family to achieve our motto "Towards excellence" in this academic session.


The Principal


The Principal